About site and history of creation

Group of "Priestt" - idea, spiritual inspirers and creators. The idea of creation of a jack house was suggested by the priest about Alexandr Shramko from Minsks. At first jack house was planned as a site of an only christian directivity. Then we have decided to create a multifunction jack house including a selection of christian art (the literature, painting) and christian psychologic service o-n-line. A jack house "Priestt" - site, on which one the people of miscellaneous age and trades can communicate, dispatch the articles, send verses and figures, to be divided by thoughts and outcomes of a transactions, to be perfected in web-programming and web-design.

Idea - priest about Alexandr Shramko.

The priest Sacred - Holy Protection of church of of Minsk of the Byelorussian Exarchate МП. In a rank since 1994. A year of birth 1957. Became is realized orthodox at the end of 70. Maximum society formation (radio physics and electronics engineering). By default has finished the Minsk spiritual seminary. Teaches in Minsk a spiritual school (Scriptus of Church). Before guessing on an arm was the acolyte in a temple, reader, director of a sunday School, brother of charity. The most exciting subject - doctrine about Church. E-mail: shramko@tut.by WWW: http://ashramko.virtualave.net

Malyshkin Sergey

Malyshkin Sergey - psychologist, former military pilot, веб-foreman, he - one of the psychologists in psychologic christian consulting on-line.

Design and programming N-Studio
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